Monday, December 3, 2012

Where democracy is standing in Pakistan?

When we talk or hear about democracy, we often utter or hear the very popular phrase that no doubt defines democracy from top to bottom i.e “Democracy is a form of government of the people by the people for the people”. But whether it is true in Pakistan?  Although, here in Pakistan we claim democracy but due to some known reasons it is not delivering or we can say that it is still struggling to be mature. Pakistan is a developing country and like for its economic, social and educational uplifts it is trying hard to strengthen democracy so that no other power could pose a threat to it in the future like it had in past. Nevertheless, Pakistan has been gone through various stages in the journey for its democracy since the day one and that’s why being a state it is very cautious for establishing a stable democracy. And that’s why there are glimpses of positive approaches by the current government towards democracy. Well, the government is clear in its stance on democracy, and it is also felt that they are sincere in their efforts. However, there are many questions that need to be answered. What are the threats that posing hurdles in its way, how these threats should be cleansed up, who is responsible and what should be done to smooth the way for a soft journey on the road towards a stable democracy and most importantly what would be the fruit of it in the future for a progressive and prosperous Pakistan.
Well, now we are going to throw some light on the process of efforts being carried out by the current government and completing of its tenure for the very first time in the history of Pakistan. Asghar Mehmood, a former Civil Servant, who is leading a retired life in the outskirts of Islamabad and who has been an eye witness of the many ups and downs in different democratic governments and taking over of military regimes during his life. Mr. Mehmood looks into the completion of a democratic tenure with a positive gesture and good fallout saying that just like a civil servant has a fixed age limit for retirement, and if he is forced to withdraw from his services there must be some valid reasons, otherwise that is violation of law. He pointed toward previous military break downs in Pakistan that took away the elected governments and derailed the process away from a journey towards a most hoped democracy.
There are number of countries on the map of the world that always complete the tenure of their terms in governments and the process just go very smooth and even without celebrations and claims. Why we are so excited, here, in Pakistan on the completion of the tenure. The former civil servant comes up with the arguments that unfortunately, Pakistan has been struggling to uplift and educate the middle class. Further, he argues that it is the same middle class that paves the way for a strong democratic system but here in our country, we have been caught in class system which is a big hurdle in the way of a sustainable democracy. Moreover, to understand the popularity of democracy in a country we also cannot neglect history and  socio cultural setup here in Pakistan i.e. we have a prevailing lower and elite class system in all the four provinces, country which is main failure while democracy is always popular in common middle class but here the situation is totally different. If we are not giving proper attention to this mid-class then it’s very hard to bring democratic behaviors, Mehmood explained.
Can media play an extraordinary role in promoting democratic behavior? I think everyone answer will be yes. Media bring different opinions and provide a level of education on the various issues. Such education is essential to a well functioning democracy, but it is the responsibility of the democratic citizen to expose themselves to several different viewpoints and if something which not good for their community they must raise the voice on such issues and inform their elected representatives through media. In Changing people perception about the importance of democracy Pakistani media can play a vital role but unfortunately there main purpose is to earn money & increase rating, Mr. Mehmood highlighted during his arguments.
No one can deny the role of independent judiciary for a successful democracy. Without an independent judiciary, the system may be simply equivalent to dictatorship. Judiciary is the guardian of the constitution only when there is democracy prevailing in its true shape.  Judiciary explains the constitution while it is the Parliament that legislate laws. But some constitution expert critically views that why an elected prime minister went back to home while fulfilling his duty.
If we look into past military dictator intervene & demolish constitution four times. Mr Mehmood has view point “the role of arm forces is laid down in the constitution very clearly to defend country border from foreign invasion. But here the situation is change a bit for example in human body we have hands, head, face & others organs but some time in abnormality some parts of human body increases and playing an extra ordinary role same is case with the military leadership here. Meeting of foreign political delegation haven’t any concern to meet with army chief but this cultural is very popular in Pakistan from many decades. In all world military is helping hand for democratic government only in natural calamity, recent in USA we clearly observed military role in sandy. In Pakistan Military intervene occurred due to geopolitical situation if stare to Ayub, Zia & Musharaf but now the things are totally different, now arm forces is in strain due to security issues that’s reasons of their step back.
Due to the flood of information in media people have a close view on their elected representatives which a very progressive sign. Still a lot to do and it will take time because we are passing to specific phase of democracy hope for the best things will be streamlining very soon. It is the main responsibility of elected representatives to legislate proper law that strengthen democracy more & more in Pakistan.

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